Corpus-based activity

       Corpus based activity is made in a technological classes mostly. Because it requires students to use computers to be able to do the activities. To my experience it was fun to learn using a website that helps me to learn about a language. I also think that students would enjoy navigating through internet and learn language at the same time. This type of activity also encourages autonomy for students as they take over their learning process a bit.

 The hardest part is to give clear direction and explanation for the website. If teacher is not clear enough students will probably get lost during the activities. Other than that it is a perfect activity type for technological classes in today's world. But we can also adapt it to non- technological class by putting the teacher in the place of a computer of course. That way technology wouldn't be inequality for some students.

     For my activity I tried to help students to learn the difference between "tell and say" verbs and hope students will have fun as much as I did.
