The Final Post

    In this post I am going to talk about educational technologies course that I took this semester. This course change my idea of technology use in education thoroughly. Thats because for my whole time as a student teachers used technology for only power point presentations. With this course I learned several ways to use technology during class and for assignments. Another pros about this course is that it prepares you for 21st century teaching.
    My favorite task is prepreing a movie poster. I watch movies as a hobby, like I can watch 3 movies in a day just for fun. This task offered me an oppurtunity to create a movie that I want to see in cinemas. And the task that I liked least was the 21st century learning task. Because it was a little bit boring to me. I really had fun doing the other tasks though..
    I enjoyed this course most of the time but I would enjoy it more if there were a few activities during class. There could be more fun things like games. Another issue was the tasks. There was a task almost per week for us to do. It was a bit overwhelming considering the situation that we are in it. But as teacher of this course is a very understanding person I was able to do every task even though some of them were late.
    This course is the one of the few courses that I liked this semester. It is because we produced something and shared it with others. I enjoyed every task and now I am a blogger thanks to this course.
