Technology-Enhanced Research-Based Mini Project

 For our final task me and my friends Beyza and Birdem prepared a WebQuest for our students.  We basically asked the students to prepare an online poster and a presentation. We explained every step to make an online poster and a presentation so that it would be easier for them to follow and do their task properly. For the topic we agreed on environmental issues to be more specific the environmental issues that are caused by humans. We think that it is a really interesting topic considering the situation that the earth is in. 

    Students are expected to read the 10 news that we shared with them and take notes on them. After reading the news we gave them list of questions that they need to answer for each news that they've read. And then a list is given to the students to write their and pair's name and the news that they chose for their poster and presentation. The students are going to do their tasks according to the rubric we gave them which includes some criteria for their poster and presentation.

      It was a fun process actually if you don't count the exam week  other than that I'd love to prepare another WebQuest when I'm totally free. After finishing preparing the WebQuest everyone posted it on their blog which I'm going to share with you below.




The WebQuest:
