For today ım going to talk about AR and my experience with it. Augmented Reality shortly AR is a technology that allows people to see, create or examine etc. the thing that are not phisically there but technologically are. It is not yet a common practice in society other than some games and entertainment applications which means not every phone or tablet has the AR quality with them. That means teachers can not use it as a common practise because it would cause inequalty and take too much time. Teacher only can use is in an environment where every students has equal opportunity which is highly possible in future in terms of AR.

    We were asked to prepare an activity for students to use AR tech. We prepared it with the help of some apps. I mostly used Canva and Youtube 360 videos for this activity. The hardest part of this assignment was to find a properly working app that students can use it easily. I could not find a properly functioning app so I decided to do it with 360 videos which is pretty easy to use.

    It was pretty fun and easy to make this activity that means ımdefinitely going to use AR inmy future classes.

Here is the link for the final draft of my assignment:

    AR Prague
