21st Century Learning


Our generation have something different than previous generations, it is technology. Thanks to technology todays students are able to find any informations without any effort. But their problem now is they dont know how to use technology properly for research. They see technology as a way for entertainment all the time preventing them from seeing their other purposes. They see only the tecnology not its benefits to them. They need to focus how they  can use technology for their benefits rather than focusing on technology's itself. In that scenario teachers take a huge responsibility which is teaching students. It sounds like "that's already teacher's job" but teachers needs to step back a little this time that is because students needs to be the center neither the teacher nor the technology. Students  needs to feel the responsibility and learn to use internet something useful. It is a need for them because now learning includes technology. There are now tech-labs, online libraries and online courses you just need to know how to handle technology properly. They are new parts our lives so we had better get used to them.
