Flipped class
There are several methods to enhance the quality of language teaching. One of those methods is "Flipped Classroom". What does flipped Classroom means. Teacher record themselves or their voice like they're in the classroom and share the video to a available place that students can reach is easily. It can be YouTube or Whatsapp group chats etc. The purpose of this method is to improve time management in a classroom. As you know in Turkey we have a lot of students in a classroom and not enough time to focus on everybody. By applying the flipped method teacher lecture students at home and practice in classroom. This leaves the teacher a great deal of time to focus on the students. Also the teacher can use the same video as much as the curriculum stays the same. Students can ask their questions via their social media. For YouTube they can comment on the video for example. The hard part of this assignment for me was not having real students. Since ...